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Being normal is great!

8 Aug

There will be gurus of peace and love; always! Someone will for eternity urge us to emotionally invest in some transcendental exercise. Believe me, we don’t need any of them. If you tie your shoes well, care for your bad breath, flush the toilet properly, respect the elders and act like we have never watched FTV, life is normal. Actually being normal is great, but seldom any guru tells us this.

Just inspirational talk…

26 Mar

Rest is all just inspirational talk!

Rest is all just inspirational talk!

Happiness is a word that you learn for your dictation at school. It’s something close to a piece of cake and a beautiful peroxide blonde girlfriend, they say. But you can be peaceful without these. Being peace at heart is the key. We all are doing great. I mean, we all are doing really great without all these. Smile, live and die. All other junks are just inspirational talk.


Kiss the frog!

7 Mar

Not that often a handsome man kisses a beast and turns it into a beautiful princess. It’s always the opposite- a princess kisses a frog or a beast and ‘KABOOM!-it turns into a prince. It may be due to the fact that all stories are told from a male point of view and women have to discover her man while waiting for him to arrive and rescue her from her bondage. IT’S SAD EVEN GREAT EPICS PORTRAY THIS!

Every teenage beauty queen knows…

7 Mar

Every teenage beauty queen knows. She loves it. She reads it in their eyes and revels in the aura of admiration as she passes thru the college corridor. Time slowly passes by and in the blink of an eye she becomes a mother of two. A kind hearted, understanding partner becomes her hero, her greatest asset. She loves it. Every housewife knows.

There is no free will…

9 Feb

See…the whole point is that we are part of a grand joke. There is no free will. Free will is just an illusion that helps us being human. You are straddled and kept inside the four corners of life that society deems as living-you pass board exams, you get a job, get married, have kids, try all those things that supposedly make you and your dear ones happy. Believe me…you die not KNOWING.

There is a fun in being ourselves…

8 Feb

There is a fun in being ourselves. Like time and again you wear socks to work that does not match, that you secretly throw away toilet soap before it finishes to try a new one, procrastinate paying bills and then end up paying heavy fines, forget to switch off the iron, your heart still skips a beat near a voluptuous woman/sweet talking gentle man. Only thing is that we don’t appreciate this fun that often! .

My aquarium fish has studied from us

7 Feb


I think my aquarium fish has studied from us, the humans. When I photograph it, suddenly he calls out to his wife; they come together as a happy couple, strike a pose for a second and after the flash goes off, they go their separate ways. Even a quarrelling couple act happy before a camera and for a moment they forget everything. 🙂

School teachers just don’t grow old.

7 Feb


School teachers just don't grow old!

School teachers just don’t grow old!













School teachers just don’t grow old. They are frozen in time with all their dignity. When you meet them accidentally after a long long time, you realize how old you’ve become but how young they remain. Once ferocious they seemed, now look so mellow and loving. When you part ways after a brief “hello sir,” a vestige of good times linger. Only teachers can claim this!

City, it’s you.

22 Sep


City, it is you!

City, it is you!

Come on, tell me. Do you get enough time to spend with your wife/ husband? How early do you wake up to reach your office on time? And how rarely you reach back on time? How hard it is for you when radio jockeys eat your brains out on every single car journey you make? How much time you waste in traffic waiting to pick your children from babysitting? Can you afford to keep a house maid now? When you are frustrated waiting for a taxi, how do you cry out? Do you people still pray together?

Tell me. Is your child studying satisfactorily? Does he/she know something better than the names of cars and four wheel drives? Are you reading your toddler some stories or you just stuff him with fried chicken and sausage? Are you worried that your 5 year old talks like an adult rather than a child and your girl child is growing faster than she should ever be?

How deep is your credit card debt? When your car’s rear tyre needs to be replaced next month, will you have that extra 550 bucks to pay? Do you have any plans for surviving your next rent renewal?

Don’t feel shame, tell me. You really hope to save on your AC bills as the winter comes, right?

Be frank! Does your family back home know how hard it is for you to meet both ends? Are you sending something back home every month? Do you have anything saved up to make your trip back home on next vacation? Can you do anything about the rising living expenses? Are you calling home at least on Fridays? Can you be a help to your ageing parents when time is ripe? [Or will they die not seeing your face?].

When was the last time you smiled at your partner? And when was the last time he/she smiled at you? How bad you miss your friends? Do you envy your better off friends when you see their smiling pictures in face book, Hi5 or Orkut?

When was the last time, someone asked you, “Are you ok”?

Dear friend, tell me, are you ok?

Six Commandments for Advertising Copywriters, Designers, Media Planners & Client Servicing guys.

18 Sep

These immortal laws are applicable to everyone across the world trying to make a living in advertising.

Thou shall not spend unnecessary time at your work place. But this does not mean thou shall not stretch work timings when situations demand . Respect thy job & advertising agency, but love thy family. Man is not for work, work is for man. [Reference: Chapter 3, Para 7, Verses 4-6, Gospel of work according to a Sarcastic non-award Winning Copywriter, 13.87th edition]

Thou shall always remember that money, and not creativity, rules the world. If thee are rich, invest in real estate and become more rich. If thee are creative, know that you cannot be rich, as by the law of nature creative people cannot be rich. [Reference: Chapter 3, Para 11, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life ,by Charles Darwin]

Thou shall not fall into a Credit Card Trap. Know that even though jail is a nice place to daydream, it is a great place to have daymares too. Jail wardens, as a habit, love to break kneecaps. [Reference: Chapter 2, Para 9, A study of Broken Limbs & Legs among Graphic Designers, Copywriters & Media Planners in Advertising Agencies; written by A Sarcastic non-award Winning Copywriter, 1st edition]

Thou shall not skip breakfast and should eat at times. Know that clients will come and go, but ulcer stays a lifetime.

Thou shall always listen to client service people. Not because they are right, but because they are dying. Sooner of later they all will be killed by the Marlboro Reds they smoke. [Reference: The Tibetan Book of Dying by Smoking, written by A Sarcastic non-award Winning Copywriter]

Thou shall ride thy motorcycles very carefully as coffin shops are hard to find. But thou can try thy luck by coercing one of those wooden photo frame merchants to coerce their carpenter to make one coffin for thou. If thou manage to get one, tie it strongly and tightly behind thy motorcycle carrier while thou go out for a ride. Thou will never know when thou need one while riding in these car crazy roads .