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Dont let them tell you that happiness can’t be found…

17 Feb

Happiness is a personal thing!

Happiness is a personal thing!

One good thing about making money is that you can convert it into things that you desire. It will help you surprise your spouse with a GUCCI and butter your ego with a Lamborghini. Money cannot bring happiness, I know. But neither can poverty, so it’s better to have money. This is the real truth. Existence precedes essence. Sartre can wait. Don’t let them tell you that happiness can’t be found. Sell your soul today!

There is no free will…

9 Feb

See…the whole point is that we are part of a grand joke. There is no free will. Free will is just an illusion that helps us being human. You are straddled and kept inside the four corners of life that society deems as living-you pass board exams, you get a job, get married, have kids, try all those things that supposedly make you and your dear ones happy. Believe me…you die not KNOWING.

Believe in Angels

21 Aug

I believe in angels; come on! do not smirk, I mean it. I know my physics degree does not allow me to succumb to irrational thoughts as no Schrödinger equation or String theory can explain their existence. Also, as I am not a new ager, I cannot even pull in Synchronicity to at least explain the possibility of their presence. That is why I wrote” I believe” in angels here rather than an affirmative “I know” angels, as it is impossible for me to know these celestial winged entities from a plane above us through my earthly senses. Belief is personal while knowledge is universal. I acknowledge “knowing” as a table top globe teachers bring to the class room to teach geography while “belief” as the single strand of peacock feather I keep safe in my factory fresh note book, wrapped well inside a cellophane paper to protect it from sunlight, that I secretly take out at night in my bed to admire in the dim light.

I believe I still hear soft flutters at night while I am half asleep. I can feel the weight of someone’s eyes on me, watching me taking my breath. Maybe, these are all just mental constructs, illusions of a tired mind trying to take some rest. Maybe life is very dry and boring in reality and the only things ever matter are payment dues and illnesses.

But tonight, I will once again take out that peacock feather strand and…

I write this, so am alive!

12 Jun


The heading of my first blog is philosophical. It came out that way only accidentally, and I swear it was not my intention to make it sound a bit intelligent.  Honestly, like every one who is alive breathing, I am philosophical too, at times.   I think, as a human being, it is natural to be philosophical.


As it is natural to be sad & melancholy.


Ok. Well. I hope I will be writing more. Let me see. Even though I am not a good writer, I really wish to continue adding stuff into these pages; good and interesting stuff.